Sugar Annual Report, Republic of South Africa – 15th April 2021
21st April 2021
Post forecasts that the South African sugar cane crop will increase by 3 percent to 18.8 million Metric Tons (MT) in the 2021/22 MY, based on normal weather conditions, improvements in yields, and marginal increases in area planted. Post forecasts that raw sugar production will increase by 3 percent to 2.2 million MT in the 2021/22 MY, based on the increase in quantity of cane delivered to the mills, a longer milling season, and consistent mill efficiencies (sugar recovery rate). South Africa is expected to fully utilize the United States Tariff Rate Quota (TRQ) allocation in the 2021/22 MY. The industry has been able to successfully increase domestic demand by 150,000 MT in the 2020/21 MY, partly due to the recently introduced Sugar Master Plan and the surge in demand for home consumption during the COVID-19 lockdowns.
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