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USDA Sugar Reports

Decree 248 Single Window Searchable Database and Jan 1 Shipment Information, China – 28th December 2021


6th January 2022

The General Administration of Customs of the People’s Republic of China (GACC) has stated that the requirements of Decrees 248 and 249 will go into effect on January 1, 2022. One aspect of Decree 248 requires foreign establishments exporting foods to China, as defined in Articles 7 and 9, to be registered with GACC. GACC launched a searchable database of firms that have been successfully registered in the Single Window website (also known as the China Import Food Enterprise Registration (CIFER) system). A link to that searchable database is provided in this report, along with other information that may be beneficial to firms attempting to self-register prior to January 1, 2022.

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