Sugar Annual Report, Honduras – 20th April 2021
26th April 2021
In November 2020, hurricanes Eta and Iota flooded the Sula Valley. Approximately 2500 HA of planted sugarcane were lost and one sugar mill was disabled. The MY2021 harvest was delayed one month. As consequence, MY2021 revised estimates dropped 13% and 39% for sugar production and exports, respectively. Recovery efforts are expected to last until the end of 2021. Therefore, MY2022 forecasts signal a rebound to pre-hurricane estimates: 5.15 million MT of sugarcane harvested, 544,000 MT of sugar produced and 174,000 MT sugar exported. The COVID-19 pandemic had no significant effect on MY2021 sugarcane and sugar production. However, confinement (coupled with hurricane relief efforts) increased direct domestic sugar consumption and decreased industrial demand.
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