Sugaronline Editorial – Separating facts from fiction By Meghan Sapp
15th July 2016
Topical, bold, outspoken, sometimes controversial, but always informed, Managing Director Meghan Sapp’s weekly Editorial gives you the stories behind the headlines ; an invaluable guide to the real sugar industry.
<p> </p><p>The sugar and health debate appears to be one that has caught the imagination of the public consciousness and just won’t let go. From the <a style="color: #ce0000; text-decoration: underline" href="">UK</a> to <a style="color: #ce0000; text-decoration: underline" href="articles/news-results/?sf1=old_id&st1=1246109">South Africa</a>, taxes on sugary soft drinks are in the works while everyone from Auntie May to Neighbour
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